Here are some pictures from when we visited the recording studio in Morin-Height (Quebec). We were fortunate to visit the studio while Rush was recording their Presto album. Unfortunately, the band was not present (too late in the evening), nevertheless the visit was still worthwhile.
So here goes...
Here we are. From left to right: Stephane (drummer with Continuum - our past band), Jocelyn (another drummer - retired - living in Europe now, he also did some back vocals on our song "Soundcheck" ... an instrumental [ back vocals on an intrumental, that's a first!!?]), humble me and Nancy (a friend of ours).
Neil's drums was facing this sign. On both side (not shown here) there were windows through which you could see something remotely looking like a lake, and some sort of bump in the landscape which some people call a mountain. I've heard they actually used that outside greatness as natural echo for "Limelight" solo. It is also their they recorded the crowd voices in "Witch Hunt" (while partying so I've heard!).
Here we are at the main
recording console with all the papers and note about songs
structure and all.
For my part I'm playing with Alex's Ovation guitare (guess what I'm playing?).
You can see his (ugly) black fender which doesn't have a real fender neck (I know them and I read somewhere that this one was his first fender and that he didn't like the neck feel. So he changed it for a Gibson neck (???).
You can also see part of a white Signature (which is basically what I have except Black).
Here you can see some of the
windows I was writing about.
Here's the keyboards gear: Emulator II, 3 MacIntosh, tons of diskettes, Prophet, 2 x D50's and some other I don't remember.
Does that pose reminds you of
Neil did a publicity for Ludwig where he had the same pose (except wearing black). HA ! HA!
You can see the Galien Krueger speaker cabinets Alex was using for his guitar.
The recording console is at the left and a drum booth on the right. The keyboards right in front of the speaker.
All concentrated Steph wears the
biker helmet transformed into headsets. Does he look marvelous or
The drum booth is just on the other side of the wood wall behind.
Little drummer drumming!!! Remember that white ludwig drum?
Neil stsill had his Simmons pad as electronic Toms.
My turn now! I wanna play too!
Just behind the console (where Alex used to love recording his stuff) playing with the legendary white fender strat. I must admit even though it played good it was quite old and scratched. I guess it has a lotta mileage...
You can see all the ... toys they like to have around: paper planes, figurines, etc...
What a stack of effects! What else can I play beside Limelight with this guitare?
Now to end this tour, again the
console with all of us telling you all ... au
What Am I playing this time???
hints: Found on AFTK.