Porsche 935 Turbo "Martini"

by Tamiya

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This kit is amongst my prefered ones I've had the chance to build. Its precise and superb (again Tamiya).

This kit has quite a few pieces and is still quite precise. Enough to keep you busy.

Frame Frame Vue. Cockpit break

The intructions are clear, easy to follow with some pictures of built pieces and of real subject. The fitting is perfect. You just have to be carefull with the engine cooler fan as it should move freely. Mine is too tight and doesn't.

Vue de la turbine de refroidissementfan

Engine detail is superb (it doesn.t show that well on these pictures but believe me, the engine is marvelous)...

moteur1   moteur2.jpg  

Decals are limited in number but work efficiently. Especially the exterior ones, they are big and are curved in a way that makes it hard to install (don't forget I'm not that good!). But the result is surprisingly good.




I suggest this kit to whoever like a good challenge. Couln`t find that much info on the net to complete this kit in a better way, but still it is nice looking. This is not a kit for beginners. Result is superb!

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