By Tamiya
This kit is definitively the more enjoyable one I've done. The precision is astonishing! The colors are superb and precise. Tamiya lives up to its reputation with this kit.
This kit cost quite a lot (since you only get for collector pricing by now) and you don't pay for the number of pieces but for their precision. If you do as I did and paint all pieces according to the specs, you won;t be disappointed, but you'll be the only one to really appreciate the result. Indeed, many painted parts are later masked or hidden by other parts. This is why I started to take pictures of my kits as the work evolves.
Chassis view (without engine cover).
The instructions are clear and concise. The part fitting is near perfect. Just be carefull with the rear drive shaft: mine is too tight and the weels won't turn.
The engine details are particularly superb...
Pilots : Nigel Mansel (World Champion 92), Ricardo Patrese.
I recommend this kit to whoever loves a challenge, precision kits, and the feeling of accomplishment. However, this is not a kit for starters (even though I'm not an expert and managed to get some good result nonetheless). The result is superb!